lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

The rooms of La Quinta

Gardems: The garden is ubicated at the entrance of the house, here are many types of trees , flowers and others.
Vestibule: In this room where founded 2 pans to keep carpon or to pit it out
Manuelita's room: Bolivar gaves this room to Manuelita's only because the fell in love
Stove room: Here Bolivar spends hours of reaindg and writting in peace
Large room: In this room there are some pictures of Bolivar and a women that represents America
Dinning room: Here Bolivar and his family eat, this place have 2 mirrors that watch all the table
Game room: Here Bolivar and his friends met in this room, here Bolivar keep in a secret place jewerly and important letters
Liberator's bedroom: Here sleeps Bolivar in a little bed because his height was of 1:60 feet
Jose Palacios alcove: Here sleeps the steward of La Quinta, hanging on his wall there was a hammock
Pantry room: Here they store cob and avocado
Kitchen room: When there where parties Petronila and Maria Luisa cook ´cuchuco with espinazo´
Orchard: In this place Don Jose Maria seeds beet, letuce and carrot
Upper Gardens: In this place Bolivar take a shower at 7:00
Flag Plaza: In this place are the flags that represent the 5 countries that remember Bolivar
Barrack Square: In this room was 5 canons that defend the fifth in some cases

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